Above are the ten photographs chosen for exhibition at Blue Sky Gallery in Portland.
“Kerry Tremain’s photographs of birds invite the viewer into the elegant wonder of the natural world. Each image captures a distinct avian spirit, a connection to nature, and a breath of freedom. These are quiet, patient meditations on beauty.”
–Laara Matsen, Co-founder and Editor of The Norwegian Journal of Photography
Notes on Birds
Here are twenty-nine short essays on the birds I’ve encountered. For more stories on birds, photography and other topics, please visit my free Substack, Wild Things.
Number 1: Snow Geese
Number 2: Black Skimmers
Number 3: White-tailed Kite
Number 4: Sanderling
Number 5: Barred Owl
Number 6: Red-tailed Tropicbird
Number 7: American Crow
Number 8: Snowy Owl
Number 9: I’iwi—Scarlet Honeycreeper
Number 10: American Crows in Canada
Number 11: Belted Kingfisher
Number 12: Golden-crowned Kinglet
Number 13: Redhead
Number 14: Mountain Bluebird
Number 15: Black-Crowned Night-Heron
Number 16: Black-capped Chickadee
Number 17: Great Blue Heron
Number 18: Marbled Godwit
Number 19: Black Oystercatcher
Number 20: Short-eared Owl
Number 21: American White Pelican
Number 22: Yellow Warbler
Number 23: Sandhill Crane
Number 24: Chilean Flamingo
Number 25: Neah Bay Doves
Number 26: Hohle Fels Water Bird
Number 27: Rufous Hummingbird
Number 28: Pigeon Guillemot
Number 29: Bullock’s Oriole
What people are saying about Aves.
“Kerry’s photographs represent a sophisticated contemporary interpretation of the relationship of humans to birds—in life, mythology, and art. He captures the seemingly magical essence that has fascinated us throughout time.”
— Renée Dreyfus, Distinguished Curator of Ancient Art, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco
“The first Kerry Tremain bird photograph I ever saw was an image of a common crow. It was beautiful, evocative, mysterious, and anything but common. Across this collection, you see and feel the work of a true master, a true lover of the avian world.”
— Bill Curtsinger, veteran photographer for National Geographic and author of Extreme Nature
“Stunningly elegant photographs of our avian dinosaur friends, with an eloquent introduction and exquisite design. Truly a work of fine art. Bravo!”
— Ray Troll, artist, author, musician, co-host of the Paleo Nerds podcast
“Kerry Tremain’s aviary photography is a true jewel in the world of art, combining a deep understanding of composition, color and nature. His knowledge and love for birds comes through in the poetry of these remarkable images. ”
— Steve Brodner, award-winning illustrator, cartoonist, and journalist, and instructor at School of Visual Arts.
“Beguiling photographs... Tremain appropriates the visual cues of traditional nature-based imagery, which are then fused with elements of poetry and lyricism.”
— LensCulture
“AVES is the plural of bird in Latin, Avis, but it is also a word that seems to perch at the intersection of description and suggestion where the magnificent photographs in this collection reside.”
—From the Introduction to Aves: Photographs of Birds by Kerry Tremain written by Brad Matsen, author of Jacques Costeau: The Sea King, Descent: The Heroic Discovery of the Abyss, and Death and Oil: A True Story of the Piper Alpha Disaster on the North Sea
Photo Books
Click on image for more information.
WILD THINGS covers art & photography, birds & wildlife, politics & personal histories. It’s a new —and free—online publication I produce with my wife, a doctor and fiber artist, and friends.